Friday, February 16, 2007

Prompt 11

John Dower calls World War II a race war because the axis side was trying to rid the world of races, in their eyes, were imperfect, while the Allies were trying to save all races. The primary storyI noticed at the U.S.S Arizona was not the bombings themselves, nor the vicious attacks that would not stop coming, but the burial at sea for the 1,177 men who lost their lives that day. The memorial brought up the sailors, marines, and other workers from that day, but it did not prejudice Japanese persons. The primry story was the grave of the ship, and not the attack itself. People that visit the memorial are from all races, ethnicities and ages. There were many Japanese persons mingling with Americans. There were toddlers and college students, as well as middle aged couples and couples celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversaries. I think people were visting the memorial to achieve knowledge of what happened on December 7, 1941. However, others were at the memorial to pay hommage to all the brave men who survived and died that fateful day. There are many stories that were not told that day. One being the many changes that came about in military security. Another isthe story of the heroes that were not recognized but fought valiently to saves as many sailors as they could. This reminds me of another day when attacks hit much closer to home. September 11 is like this day, where heroes who will never be known or recognized fought hard to save strangers they'de never met.

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